The Volunteering in the Community is done in 27 April 2010 from 8.30AM to 6.30PM. The volunteering works had been done at SPCA Selangor at Jalan Kerja Air Lama, Ampang, Selangor. The program has been conducted by Nor Shazana Ahmad Nasir and assisted by Humprey J. Kasil. The program is comes out to help SPCA Selangor to conduct their works and as SPCA Selangor is an animal welfare organization and their aims are to protect animals and alleviate animals from suffering. SPCA also lobbies with the government and local municipals for treat the animals and had been known as non-profit organization.
As Assistant Manager
The program has been conducted by Nor Shazana Ahmad Nasir and assisted by Humprey J. Kasil. The program is comes out to help SPCA Selangor to conduct their works and as SPCA Selangor is an animal welfare organization and their aims are to protect animals and alleviate animals from suffering
This program has been done with help of nine members of community and they had done their job completely. This activity is to encourage the spirit of teamwork and makes member of community becomes cooperative and independent. By doing the volunteers works at SPCA, the members of communities can learn how to be patient when communicate with animals. They cannot be cruel to animals and gives some love to them. Other than that, they also will get some lessons by doing the hard works and it is not easy works to conduct when cleaning their kennels, giving meals to the cat and other works.
An initiative to encourage student’s involvement in this program. (Volunteering in the Community)
How to control and manage group activities in one community.
To be able to communicate, listen and respect each other especially in student volunteering in the Community.
To give a student committed for collaborate to this activity.
To make a student in community for develop and create an opportunities by group to this program.
The program is started with briefing about rules and regulations at SPCA and briefing about activities
List Community Members
As the conclusion, the program had meet the objective to encourage student’s involve in this program and they can learn how to communicate, listen and respect each other especially in student volunteering in the community and also workers in SPCA Selangor. The program also to makes sure that the objective of finishing the 30 credit hour to complete the requirement for the subject. The volunteering had given the community member to feels relief of what they had.
The Picture of Members Activity At SPCA
Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa 0177636058
Volunteering In The Community Programme List
- Mohd Khaikal Musa
-Mohd Hadi bin Baharudin
-Mohd Arbain Bin Husain
-Nurasikin bt Ubaidillah
Program gotong-royong Bersama warga Sekolah Rendah Sungai Tekali Hulu Langat, Selangor
-Humprey J. Kasil
Managed Event, The Karnival Information bervisi with MPP
-Humprey J. Kasil , Amar and Hadi
SPCA Selangor is an animal welfare organization
-Norshazana and Humprey J. Kasil ( Assistant),
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Volunteering in Community among Members
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- khaikal
- Male, 21,01 Febuary 1987 Now Program Collaboration KPTM with University Coventry,Phone No: 0177636058
Students Volunteering In The Community Section 1
Manager of Program KIV Students Volunteering Sect 1 : Humprey J.Kasil
Last Friday 16 april 2010 students from Volunteering in the Community section 1 involved in Karnival Informasi Bervisi program that has been done outside our college activity for volunteer services on KPTMKL student volunteering in community section. This program has been conducted by Humprey J. Kasil as a director of program and Muhammmad Hadi Bin Baharudin as a Project Manager for this program. We came out with an idea to involved in Karnival Informasi Bervisi as a crew. This program was named as Karnival Informasi Bervisi Dengan Kerjasama Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar MPP.
This program has been done on Friday, 16 april 2010 -18 april 2010 from 9.00 A.M until 6.00 P.M. this programmed were done with collaboration of Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar Kolej Poly-Tech Mara Kuala Lumpur, Volunteering In Community Section 1,
There are 14 students in section 1 from Volunteering in Community have been involved in program as a crew. The main purpose of this activity is to cooperate together in our communities in order to clean up school area including paint the school gates This activity will encourage the spirit of teamwork and to be more cooperative and independent among team members in community.
I. A platform for students to appreciate and be thankful for what they have.
II.An initiative to encourage student’s involvement in this program
III.How to control and manage group activities in one community.
IV.To be able to communicate, listen and respect each other especially in student
V. To give a student committed for collaborate to this activity.
VI.To make a student in community for develop and create an opportunities by group
Tentative Programmed
The List of Members joined KIV Programmed as Volunteer
Activity KIV Programmed :
Battle of the band
Extreme games:
• Flying Fox
• Wall Climbing
• Abseiling
• Paint Ball
Fear Factor Games , Booth Games, Malam Anugerah K.I.V
In this program, we have achieved our objectives to encourage student’s involvement in this program and this is one of the opportunities that they have to take in order to give their commitment to collaborate in this activity.
From this program, each member in this team has a change to know and make a good relationship among team members and discuss what are the the next program that will be done.
We had finished our subject credit hour from the total of 30 credit hour in order to fulfill the requirement that needed for this subject. There are lots of program that our team will organize and it will give benefit to our college and subject
Program gotong-royong Bersama warga Sekolah Rendah Sungai Tekali Hulu Langat, Selangor
Posted by khaikalNow, we has to balaced of time for volunteering in the community to section 1 as much 9 hours, aaccording that the time we have in the communituy, some of person give decision for did voluntary services at Program gotong-royong Bersama warga Sekolah Rendah Sungai Tekali Hulu Langat, Selangor. and then first planning of the programme, we will problems of the budget allocation, regarding to this problems, HUMPREY J. KASIL as Project Director, MUHAMAD HADI BIN BAHARUDIN and MOHAMAD AMAR AFFANDI BIN ABDUL RASIDI as the supportive of person to project director make to our solution problem to collaboration on event with the student Representataitve Concil ( MPP)
Objective of the Programme
Work together as a team to clean the school area.
Encourage the spirit of teamwork in one course ( Voluntary in Community)
To be more independent and cooperative to each members in the community.
Leadership program in community for arrange to this program.
A platform for students to appreciate and be thankful for what they have.
An initiative to encourage student’s involvement in this program(Voluntary
How to control and manage group activities in one community.
To be able to communicate, listen and respect each other especially in student
Voluntary in Community section 1.
To give a student committed for collaborate to this activity.
To make a student in community for develop and create an opportunities by group to this program.
13 March 2010 (Saturday)
Sekolah Rendah Agama Sungai Tengkali Hulu Langat, Selangor
Student Volunteering Section 1 ( 32 students including advisor)
The main purpose for this activity is to achieve the requirement of Volunteering in Community subject (section 1) which is to complete 30 hours of community services. With the gotong-royong activity held at Sekolah Rendah Agama Sungai Tekali. We hope that the Members of Volunteering in Community Section 1 can accomplish the subject placement from 30 hours according to our program, following the tentative time requirement for this program.
Last but not least we would like to thank all parties involved directly or indirectly in achieving this program especially Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) and a Volunteering In Community Student Section 1.
Aktiviti Programme
- Membersihkan kawasan sekolah dan Longkang
- Kawasan Bangunan Lama
- Laman
- Mengecat tembok sekolah
Based on to our programme we, will divided to all student for 4 group :
Group A
Leader Abdullah Hafiz & Tuan Nazmiezam
Fatimah Sazali
Siti Aishah bt Isnin
Farah Asmanina bt Ahmad
Mohd Fuazri bin Aziz
Chandra Kumar A/L Rahman
Tugas: Bersihkan Laman Sekolah
Pengurusan: Pengangkutan
Group B
LEADER: Mohd Azrai & Azlinda
Nurasikin bt Ubaidillah
Emmy Nor Suhaila
Nurul Aini bt Sairuni
Solehah bt Amir
Nor Hazlina bt Mohd Shafie
Nurul Ainey Kamsani
Tugas: Bersihkan Bangunana Lama
Pengurusan: Peralatan Program.
Group C
LEADER: Mohd Arbain & Siti Zarina
Nor Shazana bt Ahmad Nasir
Nor Nadiah bt Badrul Hisham
Liyana Sophia bt Onn
Noor Fazila bt Mohd Jailil
Nur Rashidah bt Sharef
Tugas: Mengecat Tembok
Pengurusan: Makanan
Group D
LEADER: Mohd Fazree & Mohd Hafiz
Humprey J. Kasil
Mohd Khaikal bin Mohd Musa
Mohd Hadi bin Baharudin
Mohamad Amar Afandi bin Abdul Rasidi
Mohd Rizzuan bin Arif
Tugas: Membersihkan Longkang ( AJK Longkang Merangkap Tandas)
Pengurusan: Logistik
Day : Saturday, Date : 30/1/2010 Duration Volunteer Services: 10 Hour
Nowadays, following on the previous volunteering in community objective, we have balanced on volunteering in community to 19 hours, based on the balanced on the volunteering in community subject, some people in my community has to decide to do a volunteer services based to community requirement before we graduate.
According to some group of the Volunteering in Community Section 1 with Nor Hazlina Binti Mohd Shafie as Leader this session suggest create one activity for volunteer services at Rumah Nur Salam, which includes Pusat Aktiviti Kanak Kanak, Chow Kit, is a 24 hour activity center and 'safe house' that wants to provide a 'safe,' healthy and loving environment for all children under the age of 18, living or loitering, in and around the Chow Kit area of KL. The Rumah Nursalam can be divided 2 location, firstly, Pusat Aktviti Kanak Kanak and Remaja following the yayasan kebajikan kemasyarakat.
Purpose to a Program for:
• Know each other much better
• Encourage the spirit of teamwork
• To be more independent
• Leadership program
• To Encourage participants to contribute ideas for the success of this
Objective to an program
A platform for students to appreciate and be thankful for what they have
A initiative to encourage student’s involvement in this program (voluntary
How to control and manage group activities in one community
To be able to communicate, listen and respect each other between the children at
Rumah Nur Salam and Student Voluntary in Community Section 1
To give a student commited for collaborate to this activity
To make student in community for develop and create an opportunities by group to
this program
Target Group - 35 members of section include advisor
tempat ini menbawa seribu kenangan kepada sesiapa sahaja yang menghujungi,
bantulah mereka atas dasar nilai kemanusiaaan
Children registered at the center are given food, shelter and are exposed to educational, health and recreational activities and programs that otherwise may not be accessible to them.
Rumah Nur Salam
No 24A-B, Jalan Chow Kit
Kuala Lumpur
Tel No: 03-4045 4021
Fax: 03-4045 4031
Raja Azizan: 017-300 9055
Nur Salam grew out of collaboration between Pusat Aktiviti Kanak-Kanak (PAKK) Chow Kit, which was under the Department of Welfare (Wilayah), and Yayasan Salam Malaysia. PAKK was originally a day care centre following the national model, but the needs of Chow Kit were not adequately served by a centre open only from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. The collaboration with Yayasan Salam allowed the centre to be open 24 hours every day, and to provide programs for all children in and around the Chow Kit area.
This following are Group Management to volunteering in community section 1 KPTMKL Nur Salam Program
Hazlina Binti Mohd Shafie Group
Based on the Volunteering in Community Section 1 students from Kolej Poly Tech Mara Kuala Lumpur Objective, we can create, develop and managed on the new environment volunteer services for give sport activities, music sessions, arts and more social activity for “Pusat Aktiviti Kanak Kanak”( Nur Salam) and more following leader planning activity from Hazlina Binti Mohd Shafie and Group.
Tentative Program
7.30 am - Registration for attendance
8.00 am - Go to Rumah Nur Salam
8.40 am - Arrival at Rumah Nur Salam
9.00 am - Break First
9.30 am - Briefing and divide group
10.00am - Outdoor activities ( gotong -royong)
12.00am - Lunch
1.15 pm - Zohor Prayer
2.00 pm - "Back to School Activities"
4.00 pm - Mini Seminar
6.00 pm - End Program