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Male, 21,01 Febuary 1987 Now Program Collaboration KPTM with University Coventry,Phone No: 0177636058

9:56 AM

Karnival Informasi Bervisi Collaboration with MPP

Students Volunteering In The Community Section 1
Manager of Program KIV Students Volunteering Sect 1 : Humprey J.Kasil

Last Friday 16 april 2010 students from Volunteering in the Community section 1 involved in Karnival Informasi Bervisi program that has been done outside our college activity for volunteer services on KPTMKL student volunteering in community section. This program has been conducted by Humprey J. Kasil as a director of program and Muhammmad Hadi Bin Baharudin as a Project Manager for this program. We came out with an idea to involved in Karnival Informasi Bervisi as a crew. This program was named as Karnival Informasi Bervisi Dengan Kerjasama Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar MPP.

This program has been done on Friday, 16 april 2010 -18 april 2010 from 9.00 A.M until 6.00 P.M. this programmed were done with collaboration of Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar Kolej Poly-Tech Mara Kuala Lumpur, Volunteering In Community Section 1,

There are 14 students in section 1 from Volunteering in Community have been involved in program as a crew. The main purpose of this activity is to cooperate together in our communities in order to clean up school area including paint the school gates This activity will encourage the spirit of teamwork and to be more cooperative and independent among team members in community.



I. A platform for students to appreciate and be thankful for what they have.

II.An initiative to encourage student’s involvement in this program

III.How to control and manage group activities in one community.

IV.To be able to communicate, listen and respect each other especially in student

V. To give a student committed for collaborate to this activity.

VI.To make a student in community for develop and create an opportunities by group

Tentative Programmed

The List of Members joined KIV Programmed as Volunteer

Activity KIV Programmed :

Battle of the band

Extreme games:

• Flying Fox
• Wall Climbing
• Abseiling
• Paint Ball

Fear Factor Games , Booth Games, Malam Anugerah K.I.V


In this program, we have achieved our objectives to encourage student’s involvement in this program and this is one of the opportunities that they have to take in order to give their commitment to collaborate in this activity.

From this program, each member in this team has a change to know and make a good relationship among team members and discuss what are the the next program that will be done.

We had finished our subject credit hour from the total of 30 credit hour in order to fulfill the requirement that needed for this subject. There are lots of program that our team will organize and it will give benefit to our college and subject