Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa 0177636058
Volunteering In The Community Programme List
- Mohd Khaikal Musa
-Mohd Hadi bin Baharudin
-Mohd Arbain Bin Husain
-Nurasikin bt Ubaidillah
Program gotong-royong Bersama warga Sekolah Rendah Sungai Tekali Hulu Langat, Selangor
-Humprey J. Kasil
Managed Event, The Karnival Information bervisi with MPP
-Humprey J. Kasil , Amar and Hadi
SPCA Selangor is an animal welfare organization
-Norshazana and Humprey J. Kasil ( Assistant),
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Volunteering in Community among Members
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About Me
- khaikal
- Male, 21,01 Febuary 1987 Now Program Collaboration KPTM with University Coventry,Phone No: 0177636058
Week 14 ( 22/10/2009
Before that, we will discuss with an community for request and approval to langkawi program to volunteering in community at Kampung Tok Wan Redung from a Mr Fuazri Bin Aziz as a Director of Program this community section 1, Another part, before a class volunteering in community, Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa and Arbain decided to do a simple voluntary community again at a Kuala Lumpur area, according to this discussion with a En Marzuki Bin Haji Ali, we advisor the community, for to do a volunteering in community on Saturday, 24/10/2009 Time : 9 am until 1.00 pm to “ Gotong Royong” at Surau Al Falak Pandan Jaya, With an 32 Community. This suggestion will be support from Mr Umran Anas Khan, Faculty Science Humanity Department . This program Arbain as a Project Director and Me as Manager of Program to Surau Al Falak Pandan Jaya Volunteer Services this section.
The Video of Mosque Volunteering In Community Section 1 at Surau Al - Falak Pandan Jaya
Following this volunteer services from section 1 community, we will able a sponsor from Department Corporate from College Poly Tech Mara Kuala Lumpur.
Type Sponsor -> 4 Cotton Mineral Water and Souvenir
The Project Director of Program ( Arbain) give a detail information for volunteer services at a Surau Al- Falak Pandan Jaya to all community
Attendance of Volunteering in Community Section 1 the Surau Al- Falak Pandan Jaya
The Report of the Surau Al- Falak Pandan Jaya
For the first time students from Volunteering in Community section organized one program that has been done outside our college activity for volunteer services on KPTMKL student volunteering in community section. This program has been conducted by Mohd Arbain Bin Husain as a director of program and Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa as a Project Manager for this program. We have an idea for clean up to all area to the mosque Pandan Jaya, Al Falak Mosque with a community. This program named as ‘Majlis Gotong-Royong Di Surau Al-Falah Pandan Jaya. This program has been done on Saturday, 24 October 2009 from 9.00A.M until 1.00 P.M. according to this activity we has collaboration with an volunteering in community section 1 and public people to surau Al- Falak Community especialy to higher community the AL- Falak Organization Community (“Surau Al – Falak JKK“)
The location for this program is all area in Surau Al-Falah, Pandan Jaya. There are 32 students in section 1 from Volunteering in Community have been involved during this program. The main purpose of this activity is to cooperate together in our communities in order to clear up all area in Surau Al-Falah, Pandan Jaya This activity will encourage the spirit of teamwork and to be more cooperative and independent among team members in community. Otherwise, the Coperate Marketing and the Surau Al Falah higher community will be able to sponsored to this activtity totaly. Otheriwise, this program gain supported from Mr Umran Bin Ans Khan, Science Humanity Department Kolej Poly Tech Mara Kuala Lumpur.
Duration Time for This Volunteer :
5 hours
Progess to Langkawi Kampung Tok Wan Rendong from Mr Fuazri Blog
( Director of Langkawi Program )
Today we will in community very disappointed because the budget to our proposal can't approve from ATAP Poly Tech college higher community . So that, we should be have another solution to make our next program for complete to 20 hour volunteer services for public to more efficient and effective. according for this problems, we will meeting for next semester for next program.
(24 - /10/2009 – 03/01/2010)
Mid Break Year for Student Coventry
Volunteering in Community Section 1 ( A201CSU)
Advisor : En Marzuki Bin Ali
Elective Major ( 2.5 Lecture ( 10 Hours)+
Volunteering Placement ( 30 Hours)
Independent Study ( 60 Hours))
Year 2
Log Book 10 % - Simple Report Book
Report 90% - Lecturer Evaluation
- Supervisor Evaluation
Objective of Subject :
- Provide Students with a Practical of Working Experience
- Provide Students self confidence and practicing and communication with others
People in the working area ( volunteer services)
- Explore new Knowledge in the working area
- Help students to make a plan to further develop the employability competencies,
strength and weaknesses.
Final Objective to on completion of this subject student should be able :
- Reflect upon on their employability competencies and career management skills and
plan for their future development
- The Student will analyze the contribution that voluntary organization make
within the community, both from a practical perspective and by drawing on
relevant literature
Week 12 ( 08/10/2009) and Week 13 ( 15/10/2009)
In this week, before we do a biggest a project at a Langkawi a some person of community to Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa, give a Simple suggestion for do a Volunteering in Community at the College. According to his suggestion, The Mohd Khaikal and another community will cooperation for Create a First proposal for volunteering in Community KPTMKL for cleaned all area in KPTMKL for Hari Raya Event. (Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya ) , Mohd Khaikal Musa as a Director of Programmed for this Event totally. And then, The briefing of the Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya for gives a task to all members at LT3.3 , 5.00 P.M .
After that, the Starting to task at KPTMKL for Cleaned to all around area at college after end closing event “ Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya” with all members community , After 5.00 P.M until 7.30 P.M , Date for First Volunteering in Community is a 13/10/2009
Attendance for Hari Raya Volunteering in Community
As we know, Volunteering in Community subject are required student to organize a program/ project in order to fulfill the credit hour for this subject. Students from Volunteering in Community from section 1 have done one of volunteering activity during Sambutan Hari Raya KPTM called as ‘Majlis Bergotong- Royong Bersama Sempena Majls Sambutan Hari Raya Kptm 2009‘with a Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa as a Project Director for this project to volunteer services at a Kolej Poly Tech Mara Kuala Lumpur for end closing hari raya caleberated. And then, to an activity basicaly some idea from some person from Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) for to do a volunteer services at KPTMKL for end closing Hari Raya.
Basically, to our programme volunteering in community originally facusing on the programme at a Kampung Tok Wan Rendong in Langkawi, However with probability worried program not be implemented there achieved fully. In community unanimous implement nearby reduction small program in Kolej Poly Tech Mara area Kuala Lumpur. And then, to complete placement practical voluntary services we will able to complete the task accoding by part to little by little the program to any activity for 30 hours practical placement voluntary services at a college area or a Kuala Lumpur.
This program has been done on Tuesday, 13 October 2009 from 5.00P.M until 7.00 P.M. The locatio for this program is all area that are been used for Sambutan Hari Raya KPTM. There are 32 students in section 1 from Volunteering in Community have been involved during this program.
The main purpose of this activity is to cooperate together in our communities in order to clear all area in KPTMKl at the end of the program Sambutan Hari Raya KPTMKL. This activity will encourage the spirit of teamwork and to be more cooperative and independent among team members in community. Otherwise, to an activitity make to supported from my advisor En Marzuki Bin Haji and will be able to sponser the mineral watter 4 cotton from Marketing Coorporate Deparmtnet of Kolej Poly Tech Mara Kuala Lumpur. In early its idea for voluntary community is are Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa, and unanimous support by all community member volunteering in Community. This is a first programme to volunteering in community subject by section 1, Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa as a Director of Programme for this session.
Duration Time for This Volunteer :
2 half hours in KPTMKL
Another simple activity from community suggestion is a Volunteer for cleaned all area to the poster for election the new post “Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar” and “Programmed Course to all area
Location at College Poly Tech Mara Kuala to Grand Floor, Level 1 until Level 5 . The Started Program on the Friday , Date : 16/10/2009 Time : 3.00 P.M until 6.00 P.M The Director of Program is a Mohd Hadi bin Baharudin
Before to do a volunteer services for cleaning Poster Election MPP and Programmed Course Post, The Director of Programmed make to instruction to all community in KPTMKL
We will divided 2 group, Group 1, and 2
Group 1 -> Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa as Group Leader)
Group 2->Mohd Hadi bin Baharudin as Group Leader)
Attendance volunteering in Community for Poster Election Cleanup
This is the second programs that have been organized by student that have taken the subject Volunteering In community from section 1. This program have been conducted by Mohd Hadi bin Baharudin as a director of program and Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa as a Manager of Program for this program to an idea to clean up activity to our college after the election for MPP and course program at KPTMKL. This program named as’Pembersihan Poster Pilihan Raya Sempena Pilihan Raya KPTMKL 2009. “
This program has been done on Friday, 16 October 2009 from 3.00P.M until 6.00 P.M. The location for this program is all area in KPTMKL. There are 32 students in section 1 from Volunteering in Community have been involved during this program.
The main purpose of this activity is to cooperate together in our communities in order to clear all area in KPTM at the end of the program Sambutan Hari Raya KPTM. This activity will encourage the spirit of teamwork and to be more cooperative and independent among team members in community according to this program.
Duration Time for This Volunteer :
3 hours in KPTMKL
Week 6 ( 20/08/2009)
The higher Community preparation for first proposal to Langkawi (Kampung Tok Wan Rendong) This proposal, Director of Program lead to proposal in this part especially a budget. Otherwise, we will get information from Director of Program Fuazri Bin Aziz, a proposal basically did not submit to Advisor, En Marzuki Bin Ali, we need to adjustment for a several part especially to budget. Further more, this week, we will a small problem actually in community, may be when a community members not attend to class, according this problems, the director of program don’t to mention every week about the same problem, Hopefully ( Fuazri Bin Aziz) the community understand they can attend the class for smoothly to work especially in proposal before a project at Langkawi happened .
Week 7 ( 27/08/2009)
Progress on the proposal to Langkawi ( Kampung Tok Wan Rendong)
Week 8 ( 04 /08/2009)
Progress on the proposal to Langkawi ( Kampung Tok Wan Rendong) and the higher community set up of the tentative and activity on home stay at Kampung Tok Wan Rendong with a advisor En Marzuki
Week 9 ( 11/09/2009)
The Director of Program meeting to all community to give a detail a planning a program at Langkawi (Kampung Tok Wan Rendong about the scope purpose objective and an activity will be do at the village
Week 10 ( 17/09/2009)
The langkawi (Kampung Tok Wan Rendong) proposal to give an advisor for checked, before to the community can make to do a volunteering in community at a Langkawi (Kampung Tok Wan Rendong).
(20/09/2009 – 27-09/2009)
Mid Term Break ( Break Eidul Fitri)
Week 11 ( 01/10/2009)
Progress to the biggest a project to do a volunteering in community at langkawi (Kampung Tok Wan Rendong) from a Project Director Fuazri Bin Aziz .
Week 4 ( 06.08.09) and Week 5 ( 13.08.09 )
After two week discuss to higher community, we will finding of the confirmation a location to do volunteer services in two location villages, firstly at the Kampung Tuba and secondly is a Kampung Tok Rendong Langkawi.
According to higher community meeting, this is a biggest project in community for college, the community give a decision for changed the organization structure for 4 people in one cabinet volunteering in community section 1 to cover a new portfolio, for example, Mohd Khaikal Musa, touch a two portfolio, as a logistic exco and backup a exco. This following a new cabinet of system the community changes according the langkawi project requirement:
New Higher System Cabinet to Langkawi Kampung Tok Rendong Langkawi
Mohd Fuazri – Director of Program
Nor Nadiah – Assistant of Program
Nur Rashidah bt Sharef – Secretary of Volunteering in Community Section 1
Siti Zarina bt Mat Zaynode - Treasurer
Tuan Nazmizam –Manager Program
Muhamad Hadi – Assistant Pengurus
Mohd Khaikal – Logistic Exco and Backup to Exco
Week 2 ( 23.07.09)
In this section to starting classes with an advisor for get a feedback to him about a location to do a services volunteer in the community to complete volunteering placement in 30 hours.
Week 3 ( 30.07.09)
After 2 week finding to location Volunteering Placement from higher community from a Fuazri Bin Aziz as Project Director and Tuan Nazmiezam Bin Tuan Kechick as Project Manager cooperative to another Exco especially Mohd Khaikal Musa, Logistic Exco, Discuss on the Project Volunteer Community Location . Finally, The Community Success to do Public Volunteering at Langkawi Specific for Home stay element to an activity the volunteering in community at Kampung Bukit Lembu or Kampung Pulau Tuba also Kampung Tok Wan Rendong.
Week 1 (16.7.2009)
First starting class with Sir Marzuki Ali with a 33 people in community, In this session is a introduction class for main purpose about the volunteering in community subject definition. And then, student will be should be know about a scope and objective of the voluntary community subject requirement from advisor, Sir Marzuki Ali before involved to the higher community election before to do a project volunteering for public in community. According to this session class, the theories class we will joined with an another session, section 2, Account Degree Student Coventry. Otherwise, in this week, the class from En Marzuki Ali or Ustaz has a give any student of section 1 a guideline a volunteering Subject. Further more in this week, we advisor has to give a description on Objective purpose. In this subject are provide to student with a practical of working experience, and then, provide to students self confidence and practicing a good communication with other people in the working environment ( the public people in community) and help to students to make a plan to further develop the employability, competencies, strength and weaknesses by the volunteering in community.
Basically the Volunteering in community is the practice of people especially student in KPTML working on behalf of others without being motivated by financial or material in community for public or people . Volunteering generally considered an altruistic activity, intended to promote good or improve human quality of life.
Volunteering takes many forms and is performed by a wide range of people. Many volunteers are specifically trained in the areas they work in, such as medicine, education, or emergency rescue.
Today in College Poly Tech Mara Kuala Lumpur for student Volunteering in Community Section 1, we would be focusing of the human service volunteer in the community for public people.
The Volunteering In Comunity Section 1
Advisor : En Marzuki Bin Mohd Ali
Programmed Director : Mohd Fuazri bin Aziz
Manager of Programmed : Tuan Nazmiezam bin Tuan Kechik
Secretary : Nur Rashidah bt Sharef
1. Abdullah Hafiz bin Ibrahim CVB 080712936
2. Ahmad Shafiq Fairduddin b Ahmad Zamri CVB 080712938
3. Chandra Kumar A/L Raman CVB 080712843
4. Humprey J. Kasil CVB 080712985
5. Masrizal bin Abdul Rashid CVB 080712860
6. Mohd Amar Affandi bin Abdul Rasidi CVB 080712846
7. Mohd Arbain bin Husain CVB 080712891
8. Mohd Azrai bin Abdul Aziz CVB 080712893
9. Mohd Fazree bin Abu Bakar CVB 080712847
10.Mohd Fuazri bin Aziz CVB 080712826
11.Mohd Hadi bin Baharudin CVB 080712877
12.Mohd Hafiz bin Rosly CVB 080712844
13.Mohd Khaikal bin Mohd Musa CVB 080712871
14.Tuan Nazmiezam bin Tuan Kechik CVB 080712890
15.Azlinda bt Adnan CVB 080712865
16.Emmy Nor Suhaila CVB 080712909
17.Farah Asmanina bt Ahmad CVB 080712840
18.Farissyamimi bt Rozaini CVB 080713058
19.Liyana Sophia bt Onn CVB 080712870
20.Noor Fazila bt Mohd Jaili CVB 080713032
21.Nor Hazlina by Mohd Shafie CVB 080712830
22.Nor Nadiah bt Badrul Hisham CVB 080712832
23.Nor Shazana bt Ahmad Nasir CVB 080712876
24.Nurasikin bt Ubaidillah CVB 080712833
25.Nurul Ainey bt Kamsani CVB 080713046
26.Nurul Aini bt Sairuni CVB 080713020
27.Nur Fazira bt Idris CVB 080713052
28.Nur Rashidah bt Sharef CVB 080712879
29.Siti Aishah bt Isnin CVB 080712942
30.Siti Norfazlina bt Isnen CVB 080712835
31.Siti Zarina bt Mat Zaynode CVB 080712910
32.Solehah bt Amir CVB 080712882
33.Mohd Rizzuan b. Arif CVB080712962