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Male, 21,01 Febuary 1987 Now Program Collaboration KPTM with University Coventry,Phone No: 0177636058

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Log Book Week 12 and Week 13


Week 12 ( 08/10/2009) and Week 13 ( 15/10/2009)

In this week, before we do a biggest a project at a Langkawi a some person of community to Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa, give a Simple suggestion for do a Volunteering in Community at the College. According to his suggestion, The Mohd Khaikal and another community will cooperation for Create a First proposal for volunteering in Community KPTMKL for cleaned all area in KPTMKL for Hari Raya Event. (Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya ) , Mohd Khaikal Musa as a Director of Programmed for this Event totally. And then, The briefing of the Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya for gives a task to all members at LT3.3 , 5.00 P.M .

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After that, the Starting to task at KPTMKL for Cleaned to all around area at college after end closing event “ Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya” with all members community , After 5.00 P.M until 7.30 P.M , Date for First Volunteering in Community is a 13/10/2009

Attendance for Hari Raya Volunteering in Community
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As we know, Volunteering in Community subject are required student to organize a program/ project in order to fulfill the credit hour for this subject. Students from Volunteering in Community from section 1 have done one of volunteering activity during Sambutan Hari Raya KPTM called as ‘Majlis Bergotong- Royong Bersama Sempena Majls Sambutan Hari Raya Kptm 2009‘with a Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa as a Project Director for this project to volunteer services at a Kolej Poly Tech Mara Kuala Lumpur for end closing hari raya caleberated. And then, to an activity basicaly some idea from some person from Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) for to do a volunteer services at KPTMKL for end closing Hari Raya.

Basically, to our programme volunteering in community originally facusing on the programme at a Kampung Tok Wan Rendong in Langkawi, However with probability worried program not be implemented there achieved fully. In community unanimous implement nearby reduction small program in Kolej Poly Tech Mara area Kuala Lumpur. And then, to complete placement practical voluntary services we will able to complete the task accoding by part to little by little the program to any activity for 30 hours practical placement voluntary services at a college area or a Kuala Lumpur.

This program has been done on Tuesday, 13 October 2009 from 5.00P.M until 7.00 P.M. The locatio for this program is all area that are been used for Sambutan Hari Raya KPTM. There are 32 students in section 1 from Volunteering in Community have been involved during this program.

The main purpose of this activity is to cooperate together in our communities in order to clear all area in KPTMKl at the end of the program Sambutan Hari Raya KPTMKL. This activity will encourage the spirit of teamwork and to be more cooperative and independent among team members in community. Otherwise, to an activitity make to supported from my advisor En Marzuki Bin Haji and will be able to sponser the mineral watter 4 cotton from Marketing Coorporate Deparmtnet of Kolej Poly Tech Mara Kuala Lumpur. In early its idea for voluntary community is are Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa, and unanimous support by all community member volunteering in Community. This is a first programme to volunteering in community subject by section 1, Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa as a Director of Programme for this session.

Duration Time for This Volunteer :
2 half hours in KPTMKL


Another simple activity from community suggestion is a Volunteer for cleaned all area to the poster for election the new post “Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar” and “Programmed Course to all area
Location at College Poly Tech Mara Kuala to Grand Floor, Level 1 until Level 5 . The Started Program on the Friday , Date : 16/10/2009 Time : 3.00 P.M until 6.00 P.M The Director of Program is a Mohd Hadi bin Baharudin

Before to do a volunteer services for cleaning Poster Election MPP and Programmed Course Post, The Director of Programmed make to instruction to all community in KPTMKL

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We will divided 2 group, Group 1, and 2

Group 1 -> Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa as Group Leader)

Group 2->Mohd Hadi bin Baharudin as Group Leader)

Attendance volunteering in Community for Poster Election Cleanup

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This is the second programs that have been organized by student that have taken the subject Volunteering In community from section 1. This program have been conducted by Mohd Hadi bin Baharudin as a director of program and Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa as a Manager of Program for this program to an idea to clean up activity to our college after the election for MPP and course program at KPTMKL. This program named as’Pembersihan Poster Pilihan Raya Sempena Pilihan Raya KPTMKL 2009. “

This program has been done on Friday, 16 October 2009 from 3.00P.M until 6.00 P.M. The location for this program is all area in KPTMKL. There are 32 students in section 1 from Volunteering in Community have been involved during this program.

The main purpose of this activity is to cooperate together in our communities in order to clear all area in KPTM at the end of the program Sambutan Hari Raya KPTM. This activity will encourage the spirit of teamwork and to be more cooperative and independent among team members in community according to this program.

Duration Time for This Volunteer :
3 hours in KPTMKL