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Male, 21,01 Febuary 1987 Now Program Collaboration KPTM with University Coventry,Phone No: 0177636058

10:27 AM

Log Book ( Week 4 and 5)

Week 4 ( 06.08.09) and Week 5 ( 13.08.09 )

After two week discuss to higher community, we will finding of the confirmation a location to do volunteer services in two location villages, firstly at the Kampung Tuba and secondly is a Kampung Tok Rendong Langkawi.

According to higher community meeting, this is a biggest project in community for college, the community give a decision for changed the organization structure for 4 people in one cabinet volunteering in community section 1 to cover a new portfolio, for example, Mohd Khaikal Musa, touch a two portfolio, as a logistic exco and backup a exco. This following a new cabinet of system the community changes according the langkawi project requirement:

New Higher System Cabinet to Langkawi Kampung Tok Rendong Langkawi

Mohd Fuazri – Director of Program
Nor Nadiah – Assistant of Program
Nur Rashidah bt Sharef – Secretary of Volunteering in Community Section 1
Siti Zarina bt Mat Zaynode - Treasurer
Tuan Nazmizam –Manager Program
Muhamad Hadi – Assistant Pengurus
Mohd Khaikal – Logistic Exco and Backup to Exco